Notes From the Cabin: August 3, 2023
ny show on saturday / winning big at the track & the dump / folk golf fun
The aforementioned family visit was everything we could’ve hoped for—the lake was swum and paddled, fires built, s’mores consumed, music played, fish caught, pictures drawn, putt-putt putted, and horses were both ridden and betted upon. (RG was the biggest winner at the racetrack, scooping up a whole $10.80 on longshot Barefoot Disco.)
This Saturday we’ll be at Tompkins Corners Cultural Center in Putnam Valley, NY. It’s a gorgeous spot in the Hudson valley, and within striking distance of NYC, so tell all your New York friends! Show starts at 7:30. Click here for info & tickets.
One of the focal points of our life at the cabin is taking trips to The Dump (or, if you’re being formal, The Town of Day Recycling Center). The dump is open three days a week, and we try to get there every time it’s open, because the “free stuff” area is full of surprises. Over the years we’ve found great furniture, handy kitchen implements, loads of books, and a shocking number of legit collectibles. But this summer has been EXTRA amazing on the dump front. The most mindblowing find yet happened while the family was in town: TWO GERALD THURSTON WISHBONE LAMPS.
Now, any of you design geeks may know why this is such a thrill, but KK actually collects lamps. So our stumbling upon these discarded treasures is serendipity to the nth degree. We’re still in shock.
Since some of y’all seem to care, we will share with you that our favorite nearby(ish) golf course quite suddenly decided to double their fees, thus rendering them unfriendly to folk golfers such as ourselves. But our heartbreak has been greatly assuaged by a new discovery: Airway Meadows Golf Club in Gansevoort. It’s so quirky and whimsical that RG describes it as being “like full-sized miniature golf!” The fact that the course is built around a teeny little airport is only part of the magic, but it’s magical indeed. Our recent round there included people skydiving overhead, a practically tame fox observing our short game, and a hot air balloon taking off next to the ninth tee. (You can see footage of some of these wonders in this instagram post.)
We appreciate you taking the time to read our fluffy little updates. We’ll have more musical bits and “real” news to share soonish—in the meantime, feel free to forward this note to anyone you think would be interested, and throw your questions and replies in the comments.
Till soon —
rg & kk
PS: RG’s latest newsletter just went out yesterday—you can read that over here.
I may name my next band "Barefoot Disco" thank you very much.